About the Membership
One single membership will give you access to a timetable of seminars all led by the community of coaches and strategic partners within The Insight Centre. From the weekly timetable you chose which topics are of interest. Register and attend an Insight seminar. It is as simple as that!
You may find that the regular golden nuggets received via our insights gives you all you need, the membership is complimentary to all of our loyal contacts, we know you’ll get hugely valuable input. That said, you may decide that you’d like to work with a particular coach in a deeper 1:1 way. Members can feel free to engage with any of our coaches for further support. Information regarding this additional support is made available to you after each seminar. The Insight Centre is a space where there is no pressure, no lengthy coaching contracts; simply work with the right person at the right time. ‘When the student is ready the teacher will appear’.

How are we different?
The community of partnership within The Insight Centre are exactly that. A team of passionate qualified coaches and strategic alliances that want the best version of yourself to shine and for your business or career to be an enormous success.
Tools and coaching techniques are shared in seminars to improve mindset, organisational skills, time management, sales and business growth. You will learn how to create positive work cultures, become an impactul leader, and gain confidence and financial stability.
The Insight Centre through the timetable of seminars will provide each member with brain food to nourish and grow. All the right ingredients are present within our community of coaches and within our timetable.
Is it right for you?
Have you ever felt caught up on a hamster wheel of life? Working very hard but always there seems to be a ceiling keeping you from reaching greater heights? Change is needed but where do you start?
In this economic climate it is even more difficult. Maybe as a business cashflow is tight you want to invest but right now budgets are tight you want to squeeze out every opportunity that you can, but caught in a cash trap.
You may be a business owner or senior leader with a team of capable staff, but somehow they are not increasing sales, growing the business nor decreasing the pressure on you. The input has not balanced with the output in terms of revenue efficiency or even time and freedom.
As a business owner the fruits of owning a business are often not visible. Holidays, pensions, exit strategy, work/life balance may be out of kilter. You may even be asking the question is it all worth it? As a senior leader, you may be feeling that you work harder than others, and you are not seeing the rewards you imagined.
“Most business owners and leaders, throughout their journey, can be lonely, be indecisive and procrastinate. Confidence can often challenge what we do and when we do it.
Yet you may also be so excited to push forward and find out what more there is and how to scale up and embrace the next challenge.
If any of the above resonates then The Insight Centre is for you.”
Ready to get started?
We believe everyone should have access to a coach. How much additional investment you then chose to invest in yourself and coaching is your own personal choice. In the meantime membership with us will provide access to a timetable of seminars and coaching to help change the way you see, act and feel.
Contact us now register for our membership. We are different!